How To Improve Communication Skills in Recovery

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When someone is struggling with substance abuse, they frequently experience unpleasant emotions such as guilt, fear, and humiliation. One may bottle up such sentiments inside, hoping to keep them hidden from everyone—including oneself. However, keeping negative and overwhelming emotions inside only serves to reinforce the addictive cycle.

It is essential that those trying to recover from addiction hone their communication skills so they can engage in open communication with loved ones. Indeed, honest and open communication is essential if rehabilitation is to be successful. When dealing with hardships or disappointments, being open and honest with your support network allows them to help you, not just in overcoming communication challenges, but also in improving your recovery journey.

Furthermore, proper communication skills in recovery with sponsors, family, or a trusted friend, can help you avoid relapse.

Communication Is Crucial in Recovery

For those recovering from substance use disorder (SUD) it takes time to rebuild connections, and reestablish positive relationships. The primary element when reestablishing relationships is trust.

People recovering from addiction will have a dubious track record with their loved ones when it comes trust. As a result, when trying to reestablish a positive relationship with loved ones, it will is essential for addicts to show that they can be trusted. To demonstrate they are truly trying to recover and are trustworthy, they have to continually be able to do what they say and say what they do.

Maintaining high-quality interpersonal ties considerably aids the rehabilitation process.

Learning to be open and honest is a valuable skill that aids in the strengthening of bonds between person’s in recovery and their sober support network. Being open about one’s feelings can assist in alleviating daily living stresses and lowering the likelihood of relapse.

During Treatment

Communication is essential throughout drug and alcohol therapy because it allows you to address your underlying problems. Those who participate in treatment, which includes having difficult talks, are more likely to receive the care they require.

After Treatment

Communication skills in recovery are crucial because this is the period that follows the completion of formal therapy.

  • Always communicate your feelings to family members. Be willing to inform them when things are getting challenging.
  • Open up to your spouse or a close friend. Be open and honest about your feelings and express your sentiments, such as guilt, anxiety, anger and unhappiness.
  • Make a point of discussing stress causes regularly. Stress, being one of the leading causes of relapse, must be addressed on a regular basis.

The Advantages of Effective Communication

Substance abuse therapy offers psychosocial life skills for recovery and avoiding relapse. Learning how to communicate more effectively is one of these talents. Substance abuse can impair your capacity to communicate coherently with others, and as a result, those going through recovery must often relearn how to communicate.

Some of the advantages of excellent communication in rehabilitation are as follows:

  • Learning How to Reconnect with Family and Friends – To reconnect with family and friends, those in recovery must communicate effectively with their support group. This will involve interacting openly and honestly, maintaining eye contact with the individual, and being a good listener.
  • Creating a Sober Support Group – In recovery, you will build a support network that may include close family members, a sponsor, or a friend. Communicate your challenges, concerns, potential relapse warning signals, and, of course, your victories, and keep these people in your corner.
  • Learning to Interact with Others – A good rehabilitation will include learning how to filter communication. Knowing how to filter information and distinguish what is genuine and beneficial from what is dishonest or destructive, will help you avoid circumstances that could lead to relapse.

Improving Your Communication Skills in Recovery

Psychosocial education is a crucial component of SUD treatment plans, because it helps dramatically increase your communication skills. Patients can use the life skills they learn in therapy to improve their quality of life and increase their chances of a successful recovery throughout the healing process.

Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), coupled with 12-step programs, is frequently incorporated into treatment by counselors and therapists since it focuses on changing family relationships that may contribute to SUD.

Consider the following suggestions for effective communication skills:

1. Improve your listening skills.

Participating in active listening is one of the finest methods to improve your communication skills. We are frequently more concerned with how to respond to what someone is saying than with what they are saying. Be alert and focused on the other person’s words to enhance your communication abilities.

2. Examine your body language.

When conversing with others. We communicate using nonverbal messages such as our manner, posture, and body language, and it is important to learn to be more conscious of how others see us when we speak.

Examine the following nonverbal signs as they will help you communicate using friendlier body language in the future.

  • Stay away from being defensive. When someone criticizes something you’ve said or done, it’s normal to feel defensive. Nobody likes criticism, but it is essential in recovery to avoid taking things personally. Instead, listen to the person, take a minute to ponder what they’re saying, and then react calmly and measurably.3
  • Be open and truthful. Having meaningful talks on a regular basis may go a long way toward healing relationships and recovering trust. When you hit a snag and find yourself suffering, being open and honest with the people who care about you may lead to their vital advice when you need it the most.
  • Start to empathize with people. You may benefit from a strong rehabilitation network where individuals are eager to help. Most of them have been there and understand how difficult it can be.
  • Give yourself positive talks first. Yes, knowing how to speak more effectively with others is beneficial in recovery, but don’t overlook how you interact with yourself. Walking around with guilt and shame, as well as negative self-talk, can stifle your own progress in recovery. Be kind to yourself and engage in positive self-talk on a regular basis.

Key Takeaway

When attempting to increase communication in recovery, remember that everyone engaged has the same objective. Those in recovery, their loved ones, and their support network all want to ensure their success in the five stages of addiction recovery. Nurture these connections with better skills in communication and build a future towards lasting recovery.

Begin your recovery journey and unlock better communication skills with Haven House Recovery.

At Haven House Recovery, we believe that solid communication skills are a critical component of long-term addiction recovery. Our center for addiction recovery in Tennessee focuses on improving these skills in communication to help our clients improve their recovery journey.

Be sure to get in touch with us immediately if you’re ready to regain control of your addiction and enhance your communication abilities. You can learn the skills and confidence needed to overcome addiction and create healthy, happy relationships with our 12-step Faith-based program and ongoing support. Contact us right now and take the first step toward long term recovery!