5 Stages of Addiction Recovery

HHRC-Therapy for addiction treatment

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Everybody’s journey with addiction is different, just like every other individual in the world. No two people will experience addiction precisely the same way, and no two people will also follow the same path to addiction recovery. This is so because several internal and external elements affect addiction and recovery.

These impacting factors include, among others:

  • Past drug usage

  • Drug class

  • Addiction’s length of time

  • Family background

  • Age

Even if every person’s experience is unique, it may still be evaluated and divided into several stages. While experts define seven stages for the onset of addiction, they only name five for recovery. It is helpful to know the steps while assisting an addict in recovery on the road to recovery.

The Transtheoretical Model: What Is It? 

To aid smokers in quitting, James Prochaska and Carlo Di Clemente developed the phases of change or transtheoretical model in 1983. When it first began to be applied in clinical settings for a range of behaviors in 1992, it was then modified. Prochaska, DiClemente, and Norcross observed trends as patients proceeded through a significant behavioral transformation while researching various mental health and substance use disorder treatment regimens.

People don’t necessarily move through the stages of recovery from addiction in a linear fashion or for a certain length of time. Of course, some folks breeze through the steps in precisely the correct sequence. Additionally, there are a few guiding concepts that therapists and counselors in rehab programs may employ to assist patients in their rehabilitation.

Using this paradigm might also assist the addicted individual in acquiring self-understanding. Insight is a robust tool for transformation because it allows you to be more attentive to the decisions you make at the moment.

What Are the Five Stages of Addiction Recovery? 

Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance are the five phases of addiction treatment. But is there more to these stages than meets the eye? Here are the five stages of change and recovery that you will need to understand to recover fully.

1. Stage of Precontemplation 

People in the early stages of addiction recovery are not yet ready for any addiction treatment program. This stage is distinguished by defensiveness and an incessant rationalization of their actions. There is a definite lack of understanding of the harmful consequences of excessive drug or alcohol use, with a heavy emphasis on the pleasant benefits people feel when taking their substance.

Most people in contemplation believe that they will never be able to recover. Because of a lack of knowledge regarding addictive habits, someone may continue in this stage. Disappointment with repeated unsuccessful attempts at recovery and treatment alternatives is another reason we frequently find patients trapped in the pre-contemplation stage. The fact is that every stage may be overcome.

2. Stage of Consideration 

The following stage is distinguished by thoughtful readiness. This indicates that the individual is prepared to effect change in the future, but not immediately. In contrast to the previous stage, they are aware of the benefits of quitting drugs.

They are, however, intensely aware of the advantages they feel from alcohol or drug addiction. This is an important stage for family members and treatment facilities since the individual is more inclined to listen to reason at this point. It is possible to help them to the next step by avoiding blame, judgment, and accusations.

3. Stage of preparation 

During the preparation stage, the individual develops a sense of urgency about their goal for sobriety. They’ve generally taken steps toward action, such as planning to join a gym, visiting a counselor, or attempting to leave addiction without the help of a treatment center.

It’s common for people in this stage to go a day or two without resorting to drug or alcohol addiction. Still, it’s also common for people to return to contemplation or contemplation if triggers or painful feelings surface.

4. Stage of Action 

The individual has made substantial adjustments in their life and is dedicated to change throughout the action stage. This stage of transformation is distinguished by extended periods of abstinence and a propensity to seek professional assistance before or after relapse.

It will not just be an issue of stopping the detrimental habit; change will be visible in many facets of their existence. Self-care and self-understanding are present at this stage of treatment, but counseling is essential to keep them on track.

5. Stage of Active Recovery and Maintenance 

There is no way to entirely treat addiction because it is a chronic and persistent brain illness. Instead, the best that can be done is to assist a person in overcoming their substance misuse and providing them with the tools they need to sustain daily sobriety. The addict and recovery center personnel have been working towards this aim. By the time Stage 5 begins, the individual will have worked hard to conquer their drug use problem and will have obtained the tools needed to begin recovery.

However, recovery is a dynamic process that will last for the remainder of the individual’s life. The temptation to take drugs or drink alcohol is constantly present, and those in recovery must learn how to confront the ideas and actions that contribute to their addiction. This may appear to be a significant endeavor, but happily, with the assistance they gained throughout recovery, they will be more prepared to handle it than ever before.

To make this stage easier, addicts should have a support structure in place, not just for times of difficulties but also for moments of success and daily life. Before leaving treatment, each patient should be given a personalized aftercare plan to aid their rehabilitation. This can involve several choices, but some frequent components of an aftercare plan include extensive outpatient counseling, vocational resources, family therapy, and enrollment in a local recovery organization. This thorough strategy is critical in Stage 5 since the individual’s recovery goals may be maintained with the help and empathy of others.

The Value of Aftercare  Following the Stages of Addiction Recovery

Even if someone has attained maintenance, they are not cured of addiction. It’s a chronic illness that, like diabetes or heart disease, demands considerable lifestyle modifications to keep under control. As a result, persons in addiction treatment must make constant active attempts to sustain sober. When you attain maintenance, complacency or the belief that your job is done is typically a one-way ticket to relapse.

Aftercare keeps you on track and allows you to put what you learned in treatment to use. We recommend continuing in some aftercare for at least some time after finishing a rehab program, whether it’s individual counseling, support groups, 12-step meetings, or an outpatient treatment program.

Key Takeaway 

Recovery from an alcohol use problem needs time, work, willpower, and support. Recovery, according to the five stages of change, is a lifetime process. When you decide to attend a professional alcohol and drug treatment program, you will embark on a journey through these four distinctive phases of rehab recovery as you learn to live a healthy and sober lifestyle. The National Institute on Drug Abuse established these phases as a resource for individual drug therapy for healthcare practitioners, but it is also a valuable model for alcohol addiction recovery.

Reach Out for Help Today 

If you or someone you care about is struggling with addiction, Haven House Recovery can help. Our addiction recovery center and its programs will offer you or a loved one the tailored care you need to start your life and recover by using a patient-centered approach to the stages of addiction recovery.

Supporting our loved ones in recovery may be a stressful and challenging experience. Our treatment programs provide addiction recovery in Clarksville, which works more effectively to design tailored treatment approaches that facilitate healthy progress toward recovery. Once in treatment, individuals begin to gain the tools and resources necessary to ensure continuous support and healing when they return to their daily lives.