Addiction Info

Encouragement in Recovery for Those Battling Drug Addiction

Overcoming drug addiction is a complex and challenging process. This article discusses how important motivation is in recovery and provides practical tips on how to support someone in their journey to sobriety. Dealing with a loved one’s drug or alcohol addiction can be challenging. You may feel unsure about what

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Addiction Info

Understanding Alcohol and Depression: What You Need to Know

Alcohol and depression are often interconnected, regardless of which one comes before the other. Usually, depressed individuals resort to drinking as a coping mechanism, which in turn causes unhealthy substance dependency that has detrimental effects on both physical and mental health. This blog explores the relationship between alcohol and depression, and

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Addiction Info

How Porn Addiction Promotes Sexual Aggression

Pornography is more accessible than ever, with the internet making it easy to find explicit content with just a few clicks. In the US alone, about 40 million American adults admittedly watch pornography regularly. And although it is a harmless indulgence for some, many people find themselves addicted to porn to the

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Ecstasy Addiction: Symptoms, Effects, and Path to Recovery

Ecstasy, commonly known as MDMA, is a drug that alters mood and perception, producing feelings of increased energy, pleasure, and emotional warmth. This feeling of euphoria is why many adults are often drawn to this drug to find release from the stresses of everyday life. However, what may start as

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HHRC-Health problem due to alcohol abuse
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Health Consequences of Alcohol Abuse You Should Be Aware Of

Picture waking up each morning feeling sick, tired, and drained of energy. Your relationships, career, and overall well-being were all in jeopardy. This is the reality for millions of people worldwide who struggle with alcohol addiction. While alcohol may seem like a temporary solution to alleviate stress, anxiety, or social

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Addiction Info

Process Addiction: Signs and Types of Addictive Behaviors

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness and supporting those who may be struggling with gambling addiction. For many individuals, gambling is a fun and harmless activity, but for others, it can quickly spiral out of control, leading to financial ruin, strained relationships, and other negative

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Signs of Alcohol Addiction in Your Loved One: How To Spot It

Alcoholism, often known as alcohol addiction, is a dangerous condition affecting millions worldwide. It is defined by a strong need for alcohol and an inability to control one’s drinking habits, even when they are detrimental to one’s health, relationships, and general quality of life. Understanding alcoholism and its signs and symptoms is

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Alcohol and Risk Factors for Addiction?

Alcoholism is a complicated condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It can severely affect a person’s health, relationships, and general quality of life. Understanding the risk factors for addiction is critical, especially when assisting people in preventing or overcoming alcoholism. This invaluable article examines the various risk factors that

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Signs of Work Depression: The Things You Don’t See at Work

If you are experiencing sadness, anxiety, loss of motivation, difficulty focusing, a feeling of being overwhelmed, or unexpected episodes of sobbing while at work, chances are you suffering from work depression. Work depression, also known as occupational stress, is a psychiatric disease characterized by persistent unpleasant feelings that can lead

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What Are the Most Common Addictions?

Addiction is a critical issue facing American and even global society. It wreaks havoc on the lives of those affected, their families, friends, and even their community. Addiction affects more than 21 million Americans yearly, making it one of the biggest social problems we have today. While most of us think of

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HHRC-Diverse people hug show empathy at group counselling
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Learning To Love Yourself After Addiction Treatment

A challenging part of addiction recovery is dealing with a troublesome past. Recovering addicts will often have a painful past that keeps resurfacing, making recovery much more difficult. Part of the recovery process is learning how to deal with such a past by forgiving yourself and others who have done

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Will I Be Fired If I Go To Rehab?

Concerns about job stability are widespread among working Americans seeking addiction treatment for drug misuse and other mental health issues. Many people postpone or cancel treatment and rehabilitation because they fear their employers will find out what they are undergoing and will fire them. Perhaps this explains why less than 10%

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HHRC-Hopeless drug addict going through addiction crisis, portrait of young person with substance dependence
Addiction Info

The Factors Influencing Addiction: Is Addiction Inherited?

Numerous factors can cause addiction, and these factors are generally categorized under genetics, environment, and trauma. This article will highlight many factors that can lead to addiction and attempt to answer the question, is addiction inherited? So, read on here to learn about addiction and its causes and determine if you

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HHRC-Man felling depressed and lonely during the christmas time
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How To Avoid Being Depressed During Christmas Time

Even though the Christmas holidays are meant to be a time of happiness and celebration, for some people, the holidays are depressing and can be emotionally draining and unpleasant. Indeed, for some, family gatherings, giving and receiving presents, and the entire Christmas holiday experience can be stressful and may lead

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