A Day in a Drug Rehab

HHRC-Angry young man with drug addiction talking to a psychologist in

Table of Contents

The Drug Rehab Facility and Process 

A treatment center for substance use disorders or rehab is a facility that specializes in drug rehabilitation. The purpose of rehab is for these individuals to gain the skills, resources and confidence to manage their disorder, live a long and healthy life.

Inpatient is the most intense type of drug rehabilitation. After residential treatment, intensive-outpatient programs, and outpatient programs, outpatient programs offer less than 9 hours per week. You live in your own house.

The rehabilitation process is not quick. Rehab and the longer recovery process are often referred to as a ” marathon” rather than a ” sprint.

For those who are just beginning to look into treatment, this level of commitment can seem intimidating and overwhelming.

Knowing what to expect during drug rehab can make it easier for you to transition to a residential program (i.e. inpatient) program.

A Day in Drug or Alcohol Rehab   

Inpatient rehab programs require that clients live in sober homes nearby or in the same area as their treatment facility. Clients will benefit from living in a stable, supportive, and sober environment where they can heal. Clients also gain from a clearly defined program schedule. The schedule gives clients structure, accountability and purpose for the day. This helps to reduce temptations to use drugs.

If you’re thinking of entering a drug rehab program for yourself or your loved one, there are many questions you might have about the process. These include whether individuals can leave rehab on weekends and what happens each day.

Although there are no exact programs, all drug and alcohol rehab programs have a structure and follow a specific schedule. Programs often include group therapy, individual and group therapy as well as specialized activities and support groups. There is also time for reflection.

A typical day in rehab could look like this:

7:00 AM – Wake up, breakfast and medication

9:00 AM – Treatment group

10:00 AM – Personal time

11:00 AM – One-on-one counseling

12:30 PM – Lunch

1:30 PM – Exercise, yoga, and meditation

3:00 PM – Afternoon group therapy, such as art or equine therapy, or music therapy.

4:30 PM – Personal time

5:30 PM – Dinner

6:30 PM – 12-Step meeting

8:00 PM – Evening group session

9:00 PM – Personal time

11:00 PM – Bedtime

Therapy Options During Rehab   

There are many different approaches to drug rehab, but most programs include the following:

  • Individualized behavior therapy can help you learn coping strategies to decrease your chance of relapse. This approach addresses many areas of your lives, including employment, legal, and family conflicts, to resolve problems that may hinder recovery.

  • The process of recovery includes peer support and group therapy. You can use group therapy besides individualized therapy.

  • Therapy with your family is an essential component of drug rehab programs. While you are in recovery, your family may play an important role in giving support and responsibility. Families can also learn to quit supporting substance usage within their own households.

The majority of drug and alcohol rehabilitation, whether it is in an individual or group setting will use one of the following approaches:

  • Cognitive behavior therapy is a widely used treatment that helps to change your perception of drugs and alcohol.

  • Motivational Interviewing which aims to overcome resistance to changing. It is designed to motivate you to engage in drug rehab treatment.

  • The concept of contingency management involves incentivizing recovery. Rewards for achieving treatment goals may include vouchers or prizes. One program may offer movie tickets in exchange for 3 consecutive negative urine drug screenings. Other programs may offer vouchers for diapers to parents or guardians.

How Long Does Rehab Take?   

It is important that you understand that everyone is different when you ask about the length of rehab. This depends on many factors like the severity of the substance use disorder, the mental health and the physical health. Some stays in rehabilitation can last 28- 30 days. Some programs can be 60-days, 90-days.

What to Expect After Rehab   

After you leave inpatient rehab there are services that will help you keep your recovery going. Aftercare is a way to prevent relapse in high risk individuals and increase your chances of long-term recovery.

  • Outpatient therapy can strengthen coping skills to avoid relapse.

  • Individual counseling: This is where you can get ongoing support to sustain your recovery process following rehab.

  • Sober Living Homes that can offer a structured, drug-free environment to aid in your recovery.

  • Medication management can be used for psychiatric concerns such as medication for anxiety or depression to prevent relapse. Also, medication management for substance use disorders can be helpful in maintaining recovery.

How Does Drug or Alcohol Rehab Work?   

When you initially begin treatment, the majority of rehab programs adopt a series of identical phases. These stages are as follows:

  • Intake refers to a comprehensive assessment of your medical and behavioral background that will help you determine the best course for treatment.

  • Detoxification is the process by which your body is free from certain harmful substances. This is often the first stage of rehabilitation, especially if you’ve been using opioids, alcohol, or benzodiazepines. Detox requires medical supervision while you withdraw from substances to avoid complications and achieve stabilization.

  • You can enter treatment in either an Inpatient or Outpatient program.

Reach out to us today.

Knowing what to expect from a day in drug rehab is a good start. The next step is locating a facility that provides the best treatment for you or your loved one’s addiction.

Programs and schedules can vary from one drug rehab facility to another, as well as between individuals. The best drug rehab programs will tailor the schedule to each client’s specific needs.

At Haven House Recovery’s drug rehab in Murfreesboro, TN, we customize programs to ensure the best outcome for each Because we know everyone is different and each client’s story, health, and reasons for using drug addiction are unique.

Do not be afraid to start your journey towards recovery. Contacts us now.