Trusted Recovery Center in Murfreesboro, TN

Set your sobriety goal with Haven House’s alcohol and drug rehab near Murfreesboro, TN and take your first step on the road to permanent sobriety. 

Rebuild Your Life After Addiction

Substance abuse has afflicted the lives of millions of American adults, and it doesn’t discriminate as it has affected young and old alike. In 2020, the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) recorded nearly 100K drug-related deaths in the United States, and analysts predict that this number will increase dramatically in the coming years.

Shame and regret often make it difficult for users to acknowledge their addiction, and this lack of acknowledgment often prevents the treatments from being effective. In a faith-based alcohol and drug rehab, counseling and other related activities help people battle addiction by reconnecting with God.

At Haven House, we know that medical intervention, strengthened by faith, is an effective means of helping dependents break free from the chains of addiction. Our recovery center near Murfreesboro, TN houses medical experts and spiritual advisors who help residents recover from addiction by introducing them to the grace of God. 

Benefits of Going to Rehab

A study published by the Journal of Health and Religion examined the role of faith in facilitating addiction recovery. While it’s often an overlooked topic, the study found that faith can help deter the detrimental effects of addiction on a user’s quality of life.

At Haven House Recovery Center, we’ll help you rebuild your relationship with God in your journey to recovery. Our faith-based alcohol and drug rehab near Murfreesboro, TN will help you: 

1. Cope with emotional struggles.

People engaged in substance abuse often find themselves overcome by negative emotions such as loneliness, depression, anxiety, and anger. Substance abuse is an addict’s way of coping with negative emotions by escaping reality on a chemically induced high.

A faith-based alcohol and drug rehab plan recognizes the emotional struggles that users are faced with every day. Scriptural teachings and behavioral therapy help them help them better cope with the emotionally damaging effects of addiction and develop a stable approach to facing stressful situations. 

2. Build a solid support network.

The National Institute of Drug Abuse stresses the importance of peer support groups in rebuilding connections with society. With like-minded people surrounding them, substance abusers find it easier to share their struggles and draw motivation from their peers.

In a faith-based drug and alcohol rehab, the program creates a safe space where users can find support and understanding from their peers, their care team, and, most especially, God. God’s love is a source of strength for those walking the path toward recovery. 

3. Avoid relapsing.

No matter how diligent a user is, the possibility of a relapse is ever-present. In a faith-based drug and alcohol rehab program, patients are guided by scriptural teachings that will inspire them to tread the path of sobriety.

A study has found that users who have God in their lives can easily practice abstinence and effectively combat the threat of a relapse. Through God, they find guidance to deal with negative emotions that can potentially lead them back into substance abuse. 

Our Approach to Addiction Recovery

At Haven House Recovery Center, we understand your needs, and our drug and alcohol rehab near Murfreesboro, TN is specifically designed to meet those needs. Aside from complying with your prescribed medical treatment, we encourage you to: 

1. Find encouragement from like-minded peers.

Our program at our alcohol and drug rehab near Murfreesboro, TN separates substance abusers from the environment and relationships that have contributed to their addiction. Haven House residents mix with other people walking the same path to sobriety, making the recovery process easier to complete.

At our Murfreesboro, TN drug rehab center, we walk beside you as a friend, offering genuine care, compassion, and encouragement. 

2. Strengthen your spiritual connection.

Our drug and alcohol rehab near Murfreesboro, TN is an affirming living space where you can better understand yourself while strengthening your faith and relationship with Christ. Our contemplative environment allows you to reflect, re-evaluate, and pray. 

3. Live a life of purpose.

Our Christ-based recovery center near Murfreesboro, TN combines teaching faith with traditional, non-spiritual methods. We teach God’s word and provide meaningful social activities and engaging work therapy.

Haven House recovery center believes that the ground step to recovery is learning to live a life of value and purpose. Working in our thrift stores teaches our residents to value responsibility, discipline, hard work, and pride in a job well done. 

Why Choose Our Recovery Center near Murfreesboro, TN

For over a decade, our Christ-based program for addiction recovery at our drug rehab near Murfreesboro, TN has successfully helped numerous men deal with the emotional, physical, and mental effects of addiction and go on to live a liberating and promising life.

Our 12-step program for addiction recovery integrates biblical teachings with clinical treatment interventions to effectively deal with the emotional, physical, and mental effects of addiction.

Men from all walks of life battling drug and alcohol addiction are welcome to be part of our drug rehab program. We understand that defeating addiction is challenging, and that is why we are here to walk with you every step of your journey to sobriety. 

Our Faith-Based Addiction Recovery Program

At our addiction recovery near Murfreesboro, we recognize the need for medical intervention in managing the effects of addiction. While our faith-based alcohol and drug rehab emphasizes forgiveness and self-awareness through biblical teachings, we also ensure that our methods are parallel to the treatment standards recommended by the scientific community.

We offer treatment plans tailored to the needs of our individual residents. Our approach to addiction recovery in Murfreesboro, TN generally involves:

  1. Drug and Alcohol Detoxification Programs
  2. Individual and Group Behavioral Therapy and Counseling
  3. Management of Withdrawal Symptoms
  4. Life Skills Training and Field Experience 

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Faith-Based Addiction Recovery Program

We integrate faith teachings by starting with scripture readings or faith-based meditations during group therapy sessions at our recovery center near Murfreesboro, TN. Discussions often center around applying faith principles to challenges faced in recovery. Activities include studying spiritual texts, sharing personal testimonies, and engaging in faith-focused exercises that promote healing and growth.

Absolutely. At our Murfreesboro, TN drug rehab, we have established alum faith groups where graduates can connect, share their journeys, and continue to draw strength from one another. These groups often regularly meet for worship, study, and mutual support. 

Prayer and meditation are integral parts of our program at our alcohol rehab near Murfreesboro, TN. We believe they provide individuals with a direct connection to a higher power, offering strength, guidance, and peace. Daily sessions are set aside for individual and communal prayer and meditation exercises to help clients center themselves and reflect on their recovery journey.

Yes, clients are encouraged to remain actively engaged with our faith community. Whether attending worship services, joining study groups, or participating in community outreach, staying connected can be instrumental in sustaining long-term recovery. 

Yes, as participants progress, they participate in ceremonies that recognize their achievements. These may include rituals of renewal, commitment ceremonies, or receiving symbols that represent their journey, all rooted in our faith traditions. 

We foster an environment of respect and openness. While our program has a faith foundation, we encourage participants to share and learn from diverse faith perspectives. Regular interfaith dialogues and education sessions ensure that participants understand and appreciate the various religious backgrounds of their peers. 

Yes, we have a structured daily schedule at our alcohol rehab near Murfreesboro, TN. It includes dedicated times for prayer, worship, and other religious activities. This routine ensures that spirituality remains central throughout the recovery journey.

Family members play a crucial role in recovery. We offer family counseling sessions where loved ones can learn about the principles of our faith-based approach and how to integrate them at home. Additionally, families are encouraged to attend worship services and community gatherings to foster a collective healing environment. 

Our approach is holistic. While we deeply value spiritual healing, we also recognize the importance of evidence-based clinical practices. At our Murfreesboro, TN drug rehab center, individual and group therapy sessions, medical evaluations, and counseling are complemented by spiritual teachings, prayer, and meditation to ensure a balanced recovery journey.

Definitely. Our commitment to clients extends beyond their time in our primary program. We offer aftercare services, including regular check-ins, alum gatherings, and continued spiritual guidance to ensure they remain supported in their post-recovery journey. 

Overcome Addiction with Haven House Recovery Center

Find strength and support in a faith-based addiction recovery program rooted in God’s mercy, love, and grace.

At Haven House Recovery Center, we understand the seriousness of taking that first step toward addiction recovery. Our alcohol and drug rehab team is always available to guide you or your loved one through our unique approach and programs. Call our recovery center near Murfreesboro, TN now, and let us help you overcome your struggle with drugs and alcohol.