Quick Facts on E-Cigarettes Health Risks

E-cigs. Vape pens. Vapes. E-hookahs. Mods.

Ask random high-school students if they are familiar with the words, probably almost all of them would respond with a yes.

These are just a few of the other terms used for the e-cigarette, which is a battery-powered smoking device in a tube-like form that uses liquid cartridges. One can say it’s the modern cigarette.

Using e-cigarettes is referred to as vaping. When the user inhales from the electronic device, the medium subsequently transforms the liquid into vapor.

Are e-cigarettes addictive? If you know the components of the liquid substance, then you know they definitely can be. They largely contain chemicals, flavorings, and nicotine.

How do e-cigarettes work?  

It has been proven that nicotine is present in most vapes available on the market. This substance, which can also be traced in regular cigarettes, is what makes it addictive. The more you inhale, the more your body will get used to nicotine and crave it afterward.

Another thing that makes this smoking device popular can be attributed to its design. One cleverly designed e-smoking device is assembled like a flash drive and produces less smoke. Such features make it desirable and convenient for use, especially for younger users.

Depending on what you choose, nicotine levels can be similar to that of a full pack of cigarettes.

Threats of E-cigarettes  

Many e-cigar advertisements boast that their products are nicotine-free, but this is not entirely true. The US-based Central for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found out in a recent study that 99% of the e-cigarette cartridges available for use contain nicotine.

It should make sense to you now that vaping poses a significant health risk to its users in many of the same ways that regular cigarettes do. The use of e-cigarette can do long-term damage to respiratory health and brain development.

From being a gateway to using other nicotine-based and addictive products to inadvertently harming others, the question “are e-cigarette safe?” transforms into a rhetorical one.

Effects on the Behavior  

A recent study by a group of pediatricians has shown that the use of e-cigarette is linked with high-risk behaviors exercised by youth (high school students, to be specific). Teens likely to vape were also likely to engage in behaviors like violence, sexual activity, and other forms of substance abuse.

Potential Gateway to Other Tobacco Products  

There’s no concrete evidence that proves e-cigars as preventive mediums from using a real one. However, there are documented cases where vapers have transitioned to using other addictive substances such as hookah, cigarettes, cigars, alcohol, and marijuana.

Some studies have also illustrated the significant amount of non-smoking youth and young adults who use e-cigars that try out the prevalent cigarette afterward.

Presence of Aerosol  

The aerosol from vapes poses a potential threat not just to vapers but also those that are around them. Some of the harmful chemicals are:

  • Volatile organic compounds including benzene (also found in car exhaust)
  • Heavy metals like lead, nickel, and tin
  • Ultrafine particles that can travel through the lungs
  • Flavoring like diacetyl (a substance connected to severe lung disease)

One must keep in mind the underlying threats of vaping not only for the sake of themselves but also for others who chose not to partake.

Harm to Brain Development  

A particular part of the brain isn’t fully developed yet until 25 years of age. This portion serves as the center for our impulse control and decision-making, and e-cigarette risks include negatively influencing this function.

The exposure to nicotine establishes baselines for mood disorders, substance addiction, and degradation of impulse control. It directly affects a human’s ability for attention and learning, as vaping alters the synapses formation system in the brain. This effect worsens the process of actively retaining and learning new things. In most cases, youth and young adults are the ones that are most vulnerable to such addictions.

If you or a loved one is already having problems quitting e-cigarettes, perhaps it’s time to seek professional help. Smoking cessation tools are many and varied and can similarly apply to e-cigarette use, and therapy may happen in the intervening time. A Christ-based treatment center can be of great help. If you are looking for a recovery center near Nashville, check Haven House.