Signs of Alcohol Addiction in Your Loved One: How To Spot It

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Alcoholism, often known as alcohol addiction, is a dangerous condition affecting millions worldwide. It is defined by a strong need for alcohol and an inability to control one’s drinking habits, even when they are detrimental to one’s health, relationships, and general quality of life. Understanding alcoholism and its signs and symptoms is critical for supporting individuals suffering from this addiction.

If you believe a loved one is battling with alcoholism, it’s critical to be aware of the symptoms and signs of alcohol addiction so you can help them on their road to recovery.

This blog will discuss what alcoholism is, the signs and symptoms to look for, and what you can do to assist your loved one in receiving the treatment they require.

What Exactly Is Alcoholism

Alcoholism is the most severe stage of an alcohol dependency. Alcoholism is to some extent defined by its symptoms, which include an intense, often overwhelming desire to consume alcohol, and the prioritization of alcohol consumption despite being aware of its potentially harmful effects.

Alcoholism is medically recognized as an ‘alcohol-use disorder’ that may be treated. It differs from ‘harmful drinking’ because alcohol equates to dependency, whereas a harmful drinking pattern has no element of dependency. A harmful drinking pattern poses a risk to your health, but does not lead to dependency.

Someone addicted to alcohol generally prioritizes drinking over all other duties, including job and family, and develops a physical tolerance, which means they have to consume increasing amounts to have the same impact.

What are the early signs of alcohol addiction?

There are several warning signs of alcoholism, some of which might be difficult to recognize. While many indications are quickly identified, some may be more complex. Furthermore, the intensity of alcohol misuse may influence the warning indicators displayed by a person.

Typical early warning signs of alcohol addiction include the following:

  • One early warning sign and symptom of alcoholism is temporary temporary blackouts, often accompanied by short-term memory loss.
  • Dramatic mood swings and a propensity for irritability.
  • People suffering from alcoholism will make excuses or justifications for drinking. Typically they will use excuses like they are drinking to relax and cope with stress.
  • Making drinking a priority and choosing to drink rather than committing to other responsibilities and obligations.

It is important to recognize early warning signs of alcohol abuse, because this way you can encourage the person suffering from alcoholism to seek therapy in the early stages of the disease.

Alcohol Addiction: The Physical and Psychological Symptoms

The following are some of the physical symptoms associated with alcoholism.

  • Reaction times are slowed
  • Blackouts, normally occurring during binge drinking bouts
  • Motor coordination issues or an inability to walk appropriately
  • Impaired judgment and taking risks without fully considering the repercussions (such as drunk driving)
  • Memory gaps or impairments
  • Sloppy speech
  • Malnutrition
  • Hepatic encephalopathy

The psychological consequences of alcohol are instantly apparent once a person consumes it. Individuals may repeat themselves (because of memory loss) and fail to demonstrate their usual degree of excellent judgment. Individuals may acquire sleep problems and mental health illnesses such as depression or anxiety over time. Cognitive issues include poor attention span and problems with motor coordination.

Alcohol Misuse: The Behavioral Signs

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the behavioral effects of alcohol addiction are frequently visible. People who abuse alcohol may become more secretive about their actions because they do not want to hear others’ worries or be advised to quit. The individual may drink in private or in public. However, if drinking in public, this will be done out of sight of friends and relatives.

Alcoholism may also lead people to become less attentive with their appearance and hygiene. As alcoholism worsens, the individual may appear to have not been showering, have ceased shaving, and are no longer washing or changing their clothes.

Other behavioral indicators of alcohol abuse include:

  • Increasing legal issues, such as assault, domestic violence, or drunk driving
  • Arriving drunk at work, a family gathering, or a meeting
  • Yo-yoing or the recurrent cycle of drinking and then quitting
  • Overreacting to any perceived criticism of their drinking
  • Having rising financial difficulties
  • Unusual borrowing, liquidation of assets, and depletion of cash accounts
  • Stealing and, more than likely, lying about it
  • Taking part in dangerous behaviors, such as unprotected sex

The Risks of Alcoholism

Alcoholism can cause a variety of problems both personally and professionally. Prolonged drinking puts you in danger of significant health difficulties and can have possibly fatal repercussions.

Some of the detrimental physical effects of alcohol addiction include:

  1. High blood pressure
  2. An increased risk of heart,disease, and stroke
  3. Liver disease
  4. Digestive problems
  5. Cancer
  6. A weakened immune system
  7. Learning and memory problems

If you believe a loved one is addicted to alcohol, you must take action to assist them in obtaining the therapy they require. Here are some things you can do:

  • Encourage them to get professional assistance. The first step in assisting a loved one suffering from alcoholism is to encourage them to seek professional help. This might be accomplished through a rehabilitation clinic, a support group, or a counseling service.
  • Offer your help. Be there for your loved one during rehabilitation. Let them know you care about them and are prepared to go above and beyond to help them. This might involve accompanying them to appointments, helping them with their medications for alcohol addiction, listening to their concerns, or assisting them with practical activities.
  • Educate yourself. It is critical to educate yourself about the impacts of alcoholism. This will assist you in understanding what your loved one is going through and how best to support them.
  • Set limits. It is critical to establish boundaries with a loved one addicted to alcohol. This includes not encouraging their behavior by supplying alcohol or covering up for them when they miss work or crucial activities due to their drinking.
  • Seek help for yourself. Caring for a loved one showing alcohol addiction symptoms may be difficult, and it is critical to seek help for yourself as well. This can be accomplished through a support group, a counseling agency, or speaking with a trusted friend or family member.

Remember that alcohol addiction treatment is a long-term process that may require time and patience. Still, with the proper support and therapy, your loved one may overcome this problem and live a happy and healthy life.

Key Takeaway

It can be challenging to detect the signs of alcohol addiction in your loved ones, but it is critical to be aware of the warning signals, so you can give support and help them obtain the treatment they require. Alcoholism is a chronic disease that significantly affects one’s health, relationships, and general quality of life. If you feel that a loved one is addicted to alcohol, you must act and help get them treatment.

Haven House Recovery can help.

Knowing the signs and symptoms of alcoholism can help you play a vital role in assisting your loved one in overcoming this problem. Encouraging them to get therapy, providing support, educating themselves, setting limits, and seeking help are all critical aspects of the recovery process.

With the right help and support, your loved one can overcome alcohol addiction and live a happy and healthy life. Fortunately, Haven House Recovery exists to provide treatment programs for alcoholism as well as other conditions such as drug addiction. We can create a better life for any individual suffering from alcoholism. Reach out to our recovery center in Clarksville, TN, and get in touch with our staff to help you kick start your journey to lifelong recovery from alcohol addiction.