7 Relapse Warning Signs You Should Watch Out For

7 Relapse Warning Signs You Should Watch Out For

Seeking help from your loved ones or rehab facilities is only the first step. It is better to understand that relapse can happen at any time. Knowing the signs of relapse can help you or your loved one confront it before it becomes severe. Let us first learn why addicts experience relapse.

Why Addicts Relapse

We’ve said it before; recovering from either drugs or alcohol isn’t always easy. You might think things are good with you or your loved one, only to experience relapse. You don’t have to feel down or bad about it. It commonly happens to recovering addicts once or more times than you know.

There are many reasons a person relapses; uncontrollable cravings are a prevalent one. When you try to cut off the drugs or alcohol in your system, you’ll experience cravings. Your body misses the substance. Addiction recovery is much like participating in a diet. When a person exercises and eats nutritious foods, you’ll miss eating the foods you love, and you might slip up and eat them again. When relapse happens, don’t waste valuable time; seek treatment immediately.

Signs of Drug Addiction Relapse

Looking out for the signs of relapse is essential, so you’ll know when professional help is needed. Relapse doesn’t immediately show physically. It often starts to manifest mentally.

Here are signs of relapse to watch out for:

1. Sudden Change of Attitude Towards the Recovery

A sudden change of attitude towards the recovery is a top warning sign of relapse. If you no longer see the point of attending the recovery program, you might be on your way to relapse. You often don’t know the reason why you think that way. However, you’ll start to see your recovery in a negative way. It is possible that you’ll have doubts about the entire program and will not see the staff or rehab facilities helpful in any way. Commitment plays a significant role in the effectiveness of treatment and therapy.

2. Increased Stress Levels

Treatments and therapies teach recovering addicts healthy coping mechanisms without using any substance. However, when you don’t see them as effective, you’ll start to feel stressed. When you’ve completed residential treatment, you might also find it stressful to adjust to the real world. Monitor if you experience extreme sadness, happiness, or mood swings.

3. Denial

When you address that you have a substance problem, you can begin to seek treatment. However, denial often accompanies it when relapse occurs-denying feeling stressed out about not knowing how to cope or not having any drugs or alcohol problems. This scenario will have you back to square one.

4. Isolation

When you fail to acknowledge you’re experiencing relapse or that you have a substance problem, you’ll feel withdrawn from people you love. You’ll put yourself in isolation. Aside from that, you will cut any communication you have from your sponsor, support groups, or rehab facility. Isolating yourself also includes not attending important celebrations because you want to be alone.

5. Failing to Follow Structure

Recovering addicts have to follow a concrete plan and a routine. This structure is to ensure that you’ll know what to focus on and do. You’ll have to be fully committed to it. You might begin to have problems sleeping, taking care of yourself, and skipping meals.

6. Loss of Judgment and Control

You may also find it challenging to decide on things. You may make decisions that won’t be beneficial for you. You’ll find it difficult to relax, and even small situations might be confusing or frustrating for you. On top of that, you’ll begin to think that there’s no way out of substance abuse. You might start to consider drinking and using drugs to cope.

7. Limited Options

At this point, you will not attend treatments and therapy. You will discontinue your communication with peers from support groups. You might feel desperate and hopeless. It is a mix of emotions such as anger, loneliness, and frustration. If left untreated, relapse happens.

If you or your loved ones experience one or more of these signs and you worry about starting from the beginning, Haven House is a recovery center near Clarksville. It is never too late to seek help. We can help you combat signs of relapse with our 12-step, Christ-based program. Call us, and let’s fight signs of relapse together!